
 Providers of Care and Economic Engines

According to a recent report, Indiana hospitals have a total economic impact statewide of approximately $56.3 billion and generate 237,590​ jobs. IHA's data partner, DataGen, the Hospital Association of New York State (HANYS), researched and compiled the information and reflects 2021 data. 

Indiana hospitals provide quality health care across Indiana, caring for thousands of Hoosiers 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.  In addition to ensuring access to care, hospitals are significant economic engines, generating a positive impact both directly and indirectly on the local and state economies. 


​"In the communities that they serve, this data reinforces that Indiana hospitals are cornerstones in their communities. They provide not only world-class health care to their communities, but they also provide jobs, economic stability, and vital community partnerships," said Brian Tabor, IHA President.

The report examines both the direct and indirect economic impact hospitals have in Indiana. Highlights include:

  • Indiana hospitals employed 113,000 caregivers and other essential employees in 2021.
  • Hospitals provide well-paying jobs with a total payroll of $22,818,058,000 in 2021. These jobs resulted in $29,660,359,000 in additional spending on goods and services, creating additional 237,590 jobs statewide.
  • Hospitals spent $13,994,696,000 directly on purchased goods and services, generating another secondary positive economic ripple effect of $29,620,359,000.​