WAKE UP wrap up
March 20, 2018
WAKE UP wrap up

​​Throughout the first quarter of 2018, IHA has hosted a series of WAKE UP webinars. With the last WAKE UP webinar taking place on March 20, we would like to spotlight the WAKE UP efforts and summarize the campaign for you. The goal of the WAKE UP Campaign is to improve opioid and sedation management practices in hospitals. Much of the content for the webinars was based on results from our opioid and sedation practices survey. The four webinars featured the Opioid Crisis and the Emergency Department POINT Program, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, ABCDEF Bundle in the ICU, and delirium management. Speakers emphasized pairing standardized sedation and pain scales, end tidal CO2 monitoring, non-opioid and alternative comfort measures for pain, obstructive sleep apnea STOP BANG monitoring, early medication assisted treatment for opioid overdoses, knowing your list of sedating medications (especially in older adults), and the importance delirium recognition and treatment.  If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Hancock at  rhancock@IHAconnect.org. Watch the recordings from the previous WAKE UP webinars and access the WAKE UP webinar information sheet, resource page and pre-written social media for your hospital's use here. Join us for the last WAKE UP webinar Mar. 20 at 3 p.m. ET: Delirium Assessment, Prevention, & Treatment. Please dial (888) 390-3967 and follow this participant link to join.​

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