​​​​​​​​​​ This recently launched toolkit is a collaborative effort of many organizations, including the Indiana Hospital Association, that serves Hoosiers with Medicaid. We hope you will join our collective effort to ensure Hoosiers either keep their Medicaid or find other health insurance coverage as Medicaid “unwinds” and returns to normal operations beginning in April.​ 

Click below to download the Communicating Changes to Medicaid -Ways You Can Help Hoosiers Stay Insured Toolkit


The toolkit is for community organizations, businesses, faith-based organizations, schools, health centers, and other medical providers. With one in three Hoosiers currently enrolled in a Medicaid program, an “all hands on deck” approach is the best way to avoid a dramatic increase in the number of uninsured Hoosiers. We need YOU to help communicate the messages in this toolkit to your community by:

Sharing information in your newsletters, social media, websites, etc.

  • Forwarding this email to your partners.
  • Hanging posters from the State and from Navigator organizations
  • Telling everyone the three key messages (more details in the toolkit):​
    • Make sure the State has your correct contact information (update on the FSSA benefits portal or by calling)
    • Open your mail from the State and your Managed Care Organization
    • Seek help from an Indiana Certified Navigator
  • Educating staff and volunteers so they can make referrals to Navigators
  • Checking back for new editions and other updates to the toolkit; the Medicaid unwinding is a yearlong event
  • Sending questions, suggestions, or additional resources to dhiggins@ckfindiana.org

The toolkit is also housed on the websites for Covering Kids & Families of IndianaHoosier Action, and the Indiana Primary Care Association.



Indiana could be heading back toward a nearly 9% uninsured rate after the Medicaid “unwinding.”  We must work together to help connect Hoosiers with coverage options.